
2024-05-24 19:21来源:


凯特是Forward Trust的赞助人,该机构为班斯特德附近的HMP High Down监狱的囚犯提供支持,她在下个月的毒瘾意识周之前强调了他们的工作。




一进监狱,公主就在屡获殊荣的餐厅the Clink与接受待客培训的囚犯聊天,并称赞他们的食物看起来“美味”。

理查德·斯蒂芬森(Richard Stephenson),也被称为斯蒂芬(Steff),是20多年前远期信托基金的客户,后来戒掉了毒瘾。



The Princess of Wales, Patron of the Forward Trust, during a visit to HMP High Down in Surrey, to learn a<em></em>bout how the Forward Trust charity is supporting those in the criminal justice system to manage and recover from their addictions. Picture date: Tuesday September 12, 2023. PA Photo. See PA story ROYAL Kate. Photo credit should read: Kin Cheung/PA Wire The Princess of Wales, Patron of the Forward Trust, during a visit to HMP High Down in Surrey, to learn a<em></em>bout how the Forward Trust charity is supporting those in the criminal justice system to manage and recover from their addictions. Picture date: Tuesday September 12, 2023. PA Photo. See PA story ROYAL Kate. Photo credit should read: Kin Cheung/PA Wire




HMP High Down的前囚犯马克·阿什(Mark Ash)现在与Forward Trust合作,帮助其他人。他说,她的工作引起了人们对成瘾问题的关注,这会帮助到像他这样的人。

The Princess of Wales, Patron of The Forward Trust, arrives for a visit to HMP High Down in Surrey, to learn a<em></em>bout how the Forward Trust charity is supporting those in the criminal justice system to manage and recover from their addictions. Picture date: Tuesday September 12, 2023. PA Photo. See PA story ROYAL Kate. Photo credit should read: Jo<em></em>nathan Brady/PA Wire Britain's Kate, the Princess of Wales, Patron of The Forward Trust talks with a visitor at HMP High Down in Sutton, Britain, September 12, 2023. Kin Cheung/Pool via REUTERS



High Down监狱是英国远期信托基金支持的25所监狱之一。


